The Western Slope’s newest congressman, Jeff Hurd, has proposed reopening thousands of acres of federal public land across ...
Colorado is home to many breathtaking places, but this increasingly remote town boasts tremendous opportunities for scenic ...
Colorado lawmakers are once again bringing the Colorado Outdoor Recreation and Economy Act to the U.S. Congress. The CORE Act ...
Seventy percent of Coloradans want more wilderness,” said U.S. Rep. Ben Nighthorse Campbell to a standing room only press ...
Backpacking permits for the popular Indian Peaks Wilderness, which are required for overnight camping from June 1 to Sept. 15 ...
Experience pure luxury in the mountains with a stay at The Broadmoor and its three all-inclusive Wilderness properties ...
We are fortunate to have two congressionally designated wilderness areas in Summit County. Part of the Eagles Nest Wilderness ...
Cody Hinkley spent much of his youth outdoors. His childhood memories are full of adventures — exploring the wilderness, ...
Since the pandemic forced students to attend class online in 2020, most students have long since returned to the classroom.
Each winter about 25 people on average die in avalanches in the U.S., with most occurring in the wilderness. Here’s a look at ...
Clare Boerigter, a science writer specializing in wildland fire, and Jonathan Coop, a forest ecologist with Western Colorado ...