Izzy Abbas is a veteran of camping outdoors, but his diagnosis of multiple sclerosis kept him out of the woods for years — ...
Black people with MS walk slower and cover shorter distances than white patients, even when some social determinants are ...
Cog fog can paint columnist Ahna Crum into a corner where nothing flows. As in an early art experiment, she now has a process ...
Neurons collected from brain lesions in MS patients were found to accumulate new genetic mutations faster than healthy nerve ...
Relapses were thought to drive disability progression with RRMS, but PIRA may be an important contributor, affecting patients ...
Sarah Zichterman was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) at 24. She's learned in the last year that living with MS ...
In MS, slowly expanding lesions were linked to more myelin loss in brain regions of damage and in normal-appearing brain ...
After her diagnosis of MS, Naty Caez grieved the independence she had before and now hopes that, with time, she can take on ...
Edward Radford first tried to wage war against multiple sclerosis; he now says embracing MS has helped him in gaining ...
For Amy Behimer, a pharmacist, redefining what health meant to her after a diagnosis of MS also led her to focus on becoming ...
The risk of disease activity in going to a less effective DMT was higher in younger adults and those having prior ...
For Anne Rosales, a handicap parking placard at first was a "disabled person" label; now it's just another aspect of the ...