Gregg Wallace ... supposed to be funny” no longer flies as an excuse. The days of lad jokes that toe the line of sexual indecency are vanishing. And some of the behaviour Wallace is accused ...
Gregg Wallace was never the most obvious TV star. The council estate boy and former greengrocer didn’t appear on screen until he was 40, as a judge on the relaunched MasterChef, and has spent ...
Gregg Wallace has broken ... While he wasn't featured in the clip or provided any commentary, many of his followers in the comments welcomed Wallace back to social media following the unexpected ...
Comedian Dave Gorman has revealed an episode of Modern Life Is Goodish featuring multiple jokes about Gregg Wallace has been axed. Gorman’s comedy series originally ran for five seasons between ...
Sean Lock's brutal critique of Gregg Wallace has resurfaced ... of irony or humour." The clip has been widely shared online following the announcement that Wallace, 60, is stepping back from ...