Just 5.9% of American middle and high school students now vape, a big drop from the 7.7% who did so a year ago, new ...
Indoor cats were more prone to fetching than outdoor cats, and friskier, more active cats tended to like a game of fetch most ...
Ketamine is becoming a popular depression drug, but doctors aren’t keeping in mind the danger it can pose to a pregn ...
Thinking about quitting smoking?There are three top ways to help you stop, a new review finds.According to the study ...
The stereotype of the slacker stoner might not be too far off the mark, a new study shows.People who use weed are pr ...
The maker of the ADHD drug Vyvanse has been given approval by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration to make more ...
An AI-enhanced digital stethoscope can help doctors detect a potentially deadly form of heart failure that can occur ...
A new interactive map of the United States can show people the risk of leg, foot or toe amputations due to periphera ...
City living may be tough on couples wanting to conceive: New data shows that air pollution appears to be linked to l ...
Spending too much time on your cellphone may increase your risk for heart disease.A new study links regular phone use with ...
Too many U.S. seniors are skipping their prescription meds due to cost, and the problem is most acute among the poor ...
Current vaccines against mpox were designed to fight an older, rarer cousin of the virus, smallpox.Now, new researc ...