Donald Trump's campaign team initially reported shots fired "in the vicinity" of the former US president - then the FBI got ...
This is the conclusion of a study conducted by auditing firm PwC at the IAA Transportation commercial vehicle trade fair in ...
Many take a vacation around St. Michael's Day, 29 September, but don't go away: they want to meet people at the St. Veiter ...
The past few days have been more than just demanding: hundreds of emergency services are stretched to the limit throughout ...
The good news after a weekend full of worries: the dams in Upper Austria have held, the fire departments had a comparatively ...
The big Aufsteirern is just around the corner! But there are a few questions to ask beforehand: What's the best way to get ...
As every year, the night of the Emmy Awards in Los Angeles was not just about the biggest TV talents, but also about the ...
In the latest edition of his column "Oh, by the way...", "Krone Vorarlberg" author Harald Petermichl looks at a native of ...
Says by SPÖ leader Sven Hergovich are known to have triggered a legal dispute. In a few months' time, the State Health Agency ...
The literary adaptation "Shogun" has broken a record at this year's Emmy Awards in Los Angeles. The book adaptation won 18 ...
Vorarlberg is the "Land of Volunteering". In his new series, author Robert Schneider brings people who are committed to ...
A study of 4,000 people shows that even short, regular training sessions improve our mental health. Exercising for just 15 ...