The Russian Defense Ministry also reported that air defenses shot down two French-made guided aerial bombs Hammer, four HIMARS rockets of US manufacture and 45 unmanned aerial vehicles ...
The Russian air defenses also destroyed five French-made Hammer guided aerial bombs, an Olkha rocket and 27 unmanned aerial vehicles in the past day ...
Ukraine's armed forces have received 18 domestically made Bohdana self-propelled, mounted howitzer units, funded by Denmark, marking a new chapter in NATO-aligned defense cooperation amid the ...
A train has smashed into a US Army vehicle which became stuck on a railway crossing in South Carolina. In dramatic dashcam footage shared by witnesses, blaring horns and the screeching of brakes can ...
A Ukraine-manufactured Bohdana howitzer fires at Russian positions in the Donbas in June 2023. Photo: Ukraine’s First Separate Special Purpose Brigade named after Ivan Bohun. An innovate ...
The fast-moving locomotive ploughs into the stationary M109 Paladin howitzer, worth $1.5 million, which is being carried on a lorry. The impact takes a chunk out of the howitzer – a large ...
The M198 howitzer weighs 15,760 pounds (in both traveling and firing configuration), and is 35.75 feet long in firing configuration (40 feet in traveling configuration and 24 feet in stowed ...
The trailer was transporting a U.S. Army M109 Howitzer, as per Reuters. The incident occurred as the driver of the vehicle got stuck on the tracks while attempting to maneuver around a level ...
The military vehicle on the trailer has been described as a M109 Paladin Howitzer. Howitzers are artillery weapons that can fire explosive shells and incendiary materials.
Earlier British tanks were fitted with a 3.7 in howitzer, based on the QF 3.7-inch mountain howitzer. The doctrine covering the CS tanks was to "smoke parts of the enemy force" and so isolate them ...
Key players in a US-Europe coalition working to deliver large-scale volumes of howitzer ammunition to the Ukrainian army say Kyiv’s forces are now receiving the first batches of what should become a ...