Public domain via Wikimedia Commons When the New York Evening Mirror published Edgar Allan Poe’s poem “The Raven” on January 29, 1845, it catapulted both the work and its author to instant fame.
Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) was never one for a happy ending. The celebrated writer of stories like “The Tell-Tale Heart,” “The Murders in the Rue Morgue,” and the classic poem “The Raven” specialized ...
The life, poems, and prose of Edgar Allan Poe will be explored at the North Scituate Library this Saturday, Feb. 1, with lively readings performed by the Poe ...
Yet it was not always so. The roots of modern detective fiction go back over 150 years to a Boston-born master of the macabre, Edgar Allan Poe. And the most shocking true-crime story in Poe's day ...