The founder of Cannabuzz Bar and Distillery, Annie Rouse, said there’s a bill that could disrupt the state’s entire hemp ...
Chethik joined around 40 others at Congressman Andy Barr’s Lexington Office Tuesday morning. They were there for his ...
My son had Chickfila in his hand. They were trying to get the food. My son said no. Then they parked the car.” And she said ...
House Bill 160 would prohibit a local government from adopting or enforcing zoning regulations that treat manufactured homes differently from single-family homes.
What you’re seeing here is called ‘embu.’” As Coach Chip Sebastian explains, these students are practicing Kempo, a ...
After the Department of Veterans Affairs dismissed more than 1400 employees in non-mission critical positions, the biggest ...
The Department of Justice has eliminated a national database that tracks incidents of misconduct among federal law ...
Dozens of members of KY 120 United-AFT rallied in Lexington Tuesday. The group gathered one day after the Senate confirmed ...
This bill would allow individuals to sue the government if they believe their religious beliefs have been restricted.
Hill was cited for his dedication to the fire department. He has served Perry as a volunteer firefighter for over 32 years ...
The Perry Rotary Club has named Perry Fire Chief Grason Hill as its "Civil Servant of the Year" Award for 2024. Hill has served Perry as a volunteer firefighter for over 32 years and recently ...