Dad: “No sun." Why did the man fall down the well? He couldn’t see that well. I once submitted ten puns to a joke competition. I really thought with that many, one was sure to win. Sadly ...
Are you on a mission to discover the world's best dad jokes? Look no further, because you've just unearthed the ultimate compilation of wisecracks, funny puns and dumb one-liners for kids and adults.
Looking for the best dad jokes? Look no further, because you've just landed on the ultimate collection of wisecracks, silly puns and dumb one-liners for kids and adults. For instance, why did the ...
Have you ever wondered when a joke becomes a dad joke? When the punchline is apparent. Ba-dum-tss. How about the father who bought a pair of camouflage pants? Now no one can find him. Speaking of ...
Sarah Watson said, "Her husband always had a great dad joke in his pocket," and she even brought one of her own jokes to the competition. "Why Did Snoop Dogg need an umbrella? For Drizzle." ...