Recognising the power of both sports to unite and inspire, Mumbai Pickle Power team, which is currently competing in the inaugural World Pickleball League (WPBL), took to the cricket field, swapping ...
Michelob ULTRA’s fun new spot, “The ULTRA Hustle”, stars Academy Award nominee Willem Dafoe and Emmy Award winner Catherine O’Hara, as pickleball players who are not quite what they seem to be, with ...
To introduce the sport, the founders invited Anupam Mittal and Aman Gupta for a quick match. Aman won but admitted his ...
TUCSON, Ariz. (KVOA) - The Professional Pickleball Association (PPA) is coming to Tucson. Fans have a chance to watch and play with the best players in the world, including one U of A alum. "I went to ...
Tennis is facing an unexpected challenger. Not from within, but from a game that was once considered a backyard pastime.
Located in Smithville, Texas, you can find the word "Luecke" named after the landowner of the farm, called the Leucke Farm.
The Packers Hall of Famer is a new investor in a franchisee of Arizona-based Pickleball Kingdom that is planning Wisconsin ...
A popular pickleball facility in Encinitas is making its courts quieter after noise complaints led to a notice of a city code ...
LARGO — With a background playing and coaching professional tennis and pickleball, Pinellas County native Brandon Anandan ...
Jersey Freeze, Bagel Nook, Meli's Thin and Crispy Pizza Co. and Livoti's Old World Market are coming together in support of ...
If you’re a regular at, you’ll notice the fierce whipping of the forehands and backhands from the ...
Bobby Riggs Racket and Paddle Club is at the center of a debate between the club's owner, city officials and neighbors over ...