The comprehensive plan is a " state-mandated document to provide standards regarding the governance for growth within a ...
Oklahoma health officials reported two cases of measles in the state while Vermont officials confirmed one case of the virus in a child.
A big East Bay housing project that would produce hundreds of units is pushing ahead with a $25 million property deal.
Jeane Da Gama Costa, 42, grew up in Umburanas, a small municipality of Bahia, in northeastern Brazil. Her family raised ...
Matt Sinclair and his grandfather, Robert Hopkins, are hoping their gift of land in Manchester will give future generations ...
Israel’s expansionist ambitions continue to drive the erasure of Palestine, raising the critical question: Can the US and ...
Imagine two New Hampshires. In one, we see a tapestry of diverse communities, each with its own unique character, carefully woven over generations, serving citizens and tourists alike. In the ...
Today, a series of bills in our state legislature threatens to chip away at local control: SB 84, SB 90, SB 174, SB 163, SB 188, SB 281, SB 284, HB 382, HB 457, HB 459, and HB 631 – a veritable ...
Cal Fire added over 1.2 million acres in Central California to its fire hazard severity zones. New maps for Southern ...
East Brunswick, NJ, successfully reduced its affordable housing requirements. Learn about the townships new calculations and ...
Analysis - Debating Ideas reflects the values and editorial ethos of the African Arguments book series, publishing engaged, ...
For decades, Republican lawmakers and industry lobbyists have tried to chip away at the small program in the Environmental ...