Public domain via Wikimedia Commons When the New York Evening Mirror published Edgar Allan Poe’s poem “The Raven” on January 29, 1845, it catapulted both the work and its author to instant fame.
Art enthusiasts perusing Carbondale Arts’s 46th Annual Valley Visual Art Show might not notice the similarities between the ...
T he poet and writer Edgar Allan Poe, who was born this month two hundred and sixteen years ago, was famous in his life time, and that fame has only continued to grow. Through his ...
Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) was never one for a happy ending. The celebrated writer of stories like “The Tell-Tale Heart,” “The Murders in the Rue Morgue,” and the classic poem “The Raven” specialized ...
Charles Cutler of Hawley first became fascinated by the Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa in the early 1960s when Cutler was in Lisbon on a Fulbright Scholarship. Pessoa turned into one of his favorite ...
To further belabor the point, Baltimore Ravens founder Edgar Allan Poe, in his pre-eminently popular 19th century poem, “The Raven,” written in ear-catching ABCBBB and AABCCCCBCBB rhyme ...
While a plump worm surely is a king’s ransom to a ravenous raven, proverbs are for people ... as Shel Silverstein noted in his wry poem “Early Bird,” then the incentives are completely ...
From 1975: Spokane International Airport unveiled a 20-year plan to vastly expand its terminal and runways. The plan envisioned that air traffic would more than double by 1992. To keep up, airport ...
Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven" first appeared in the New York Evening Mirror, captivating readers with its haunting refrain and melancholic themes. This poem not only solidified Poe's reputation as ...