In 2019, Alia Bhatt inadvertently called Varun Dhawan 'Ranbir' in an interview ... They have done a movie together ('Brahamastra') and next, they will be seen sharing the screen in 'Love ...
After the likes of Alia Bhatt, Janhvi Kapoor, Varun Dhawan, Dharma Productions is all set to entice fans with a big talent in ...
Jackie Shroff also stars in the Kalees-directed remake of Atlee's 2016 Tamil hit 'Theri,' about a police officer who has adopted a new identity to protect his family.
A romantic comedy that sees Sidharth Malhotra playing Nikhil, caught in a love triangle with his fiancée and her quirky ...
Sidharth Malhotra and Varun Dhawan are both accomplished actors who have established their unique identities within the ...