The good news is that drugs called CHK1 inhibitors were found to selectively destroy tumor cells containing ecDNA in mice ...
Recently, a days-long communication blackout was triggered after a radio command sent by Earth to turn on the probe's heaters ...
Over that time, partnerships with 14 different luxury hotels in the Seoul metropolitan area have seen 120,000 used furniture ...
It's not the first time Vinik has given a massive gift, with GNN reporting all the way back in 2011 that he had donated $10 ...
Azorean waters are now designated as fully or highly protected, which means that extractive activities will either be ...
Kris Sipe, 47, who has been colorblind his whole life, bought the glasses on a whim without knowing whether they would work.
The eastern mountain bongo species has been hunted almost to extinction in the wild, and with less than 100 individuals remaining ...
The shareholders were almost all Hanes' friends and neighbors, but that didn't stop him from dumping their investments into a ...
The black-footed ferret program, run by the Fish and Wildlife Service, was the first time cloning was used as a conservation ...
As one might imagine, as soon as the ring wasn't immediately found in the Barbados surf, Mr. Perigo was certain he'd never ...
Called the "Angelim Vermelho" or Dinizia excelsa. It's considered the tallest tree in the tropical Americas at a height of 290 feet.
Lois White puts the elder in 'elderly,' and has lived a life of play, sport, love, and family to be celebrated.