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It’s not necessarily the devil that attacks Christians, but it may be his interns. Maybe we’re not important enough to get the attention of Satan. Satan isn’t present everywhere. He’s not omnipresent.
SPROUL: When is a false teacher a false teacher? It’s when he teaches falsehood. MOHLER: Amen. I would just add that I think there is in the New Testament a clear reservation of that title not just ...
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Propitiation describes the means by which the wrath of God is turned away from us. There are two places in the New Testament where it is especially important. In Romans 3, Paul speaks about Jesus ...
We make distinctions among the ceremonial law, the dietary law, the civil law, and the moral law. To the Jew, every law commanded by God in the Old Testament was moral in the sense that it had moral ...
SPROUL: When we say that Jesus has a reasonable soul, we simply mean that touching His human nature, He is a duality. He is body and soul, as all human beings are, and that soul is rational. In that ...
He actually answers that question Himself, or gives one answer to it, when He tells the parable of the sower and the soils and His disciples don’t get it. They come to Him and say, “What was that all ...
THOMAS: This is a tough nut to crack here. God is never unfair, though He may seem unfair to us, which is the narrative of the book of Job. In the end, however, Job was schooled that God is never ...