Washington brokered an initial ceasefire when fighting broke out after rebel groups overthrew the rule of Bashar al-Assad.
Post-Assad Syria will likely become a sanctuary for terrorism, and the United States and its allies will need dependable ...
Turkey is ready to supply electricity to Syria and Lebanon and a team of government officials is already in Syria working on how to resolve its energy issues, Turkish Energy Minister Alparslan ...
Turkey aims to provide electricity to Syria and strengthen its power infrastructure, Energy Minister Alparslan Bayraktar was ...
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Wednesday that Kurdish militants in Syria will either lay down their weapons or "be ...
Turkey is working to resolve the energy supply issues in Syria and is ready to provide electricity to the country, where ...
Following the fall of the Syrian regime, the Islamic State is exploiting power vacuums to rebuild as Turkey positions itself ...
Turkey said it wants to help increase oil and natural gas production in Syria, the latest step in Ankara’s overtures for ...
Turkey is planning to start negotiations with Syria to delineate maritime boundaries in the Mediterranean Sea, Transportation ...
The rapid downfall of Syrian leader Bashar Assad has touched off a new round of delicate geopolitical maneuvering between ...
Turkey is aiming to strike a maritime demarcation agreement with Syria after a permanent government is formed in Damascus, ...
Ukraine is pledging support for the new authorities in Syria, which was once a key Russian ally in the Mideast ...