Rysslands fullskaliga invasion av Ukraina har pågått sedan den 24 februari 2022, då ryska trupper anföll Ukraina från flera håll. Ryssland ockuperar flera regioner i östra och södra Ukraina. Här hitta ...
Elva personer har dödats i en skolskjutning på Campus Risbergska skolan i Örebro. Enligt polisen är den misstänkte gärningspersonen en av de avlidna.
The emails began to go out late on Wednesday afternoon, according to an EPA union official. The same message will be sent to other agency workforces, a White House official said. Across the U.S ...
An Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) representative works in a residential area that burned in the Palisades fire on January 28, 2025, in Pacific Palisades, California. (Mario Tama / Getty Images) ...
While slight optimism was spread on Friday in the course of creditor meetings surrounding the bankruptcy of KTM and its subsidiaries, there is apparently also resistance to the restructuring plans ...
Most recently, Fotouhi challenged the EPA’s recent ban of asbestos, which causes a deadly cancer called mesothelioma. In a brief filed in October on behalf of a group of car companies called the ...
We have summarized our experiences with the ePA apps of Techniker and AOK Nordwest. We currently have no experience of how the entry of data by doctors or in pharmacies works. At AOK Nordwest ...
The Environmental Protection Agency said last week that it needed more time to study the health impacts of paraquat, a powerful herbicide that has drawn scrutiny for its possible links to ...