Originally, the county reported power would be shut off at 10 a.m. and advised customers to prepare for up to 72 hours ...
Originally, the county reported power would be shut off at 10 a.m. and advised customers to prepare for up to 72 hours ...
The People’s Union directs people to not make any purchases at all on Feb. 28, and especially not from any major retailers.
A New Yorker transplanted to the Midwest, John Schwarz, originated the People’s Union Economic Blackout set for Friday that ...
Consumers and activists are planning an ‘economic blackout’ on Feb. 28 that discourages all spending for 24 hours, especially ...
With increased pressure on Tennessee’s power grid due to the extreme cold snap, the Nashville Electric Service (NES) says ...
Posts on social media started circulating Wednesday claiming the federally-owned utility company planned to implement rolling ...
Their call, led by the Rainbow PUSH Coalition, joins a national movement to protest corporate greed and the companies rolling ...
Good news! NES says they don't expect rolling blackouts during this cold snap. NES offers an additional tip for energy ...